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Day 18: Reflections at 30,000 Feet


January 30, 2011

At least once a day someone used to ask me, “How are you?” and at least once a day I would cheerfully respond, “Good! Good, good, good. Work is great…super busy, so that’s good. Matt’s working on a really cool project, so he’s feeling good about that. Family? They’re good. All is good. Good, good, good.”

The only thing more worrisome about this response, besides my seeming lack of vocabulary, is that up until a few weeks ago I seldom actually thought about the question.

How was I?

On paper, things were great. Killer job, happily newlywed, loving family, great friends, etc., etc., etc.

But the reality was I often felt like I was missing something. So desperate to “maximize output” and “cost benefit ratios” I charged around like a woman on a rampage. A woman on a rampage at the park, at the grocery store, brushing my teeth. It was exhausting for me, and I’m hearing on good authority from friends and family, not entirely enjoyable for them either.

And so when this opportunity to take a month off presented itself I pushed back the feelings of fear and self-doubt and dug into my month of exploration.

And in case you’re wondering….I’m loving it.

I’m loving the adventure and I’m loving the quiet. I’m loving not having my day scheduled in 15 minute increments, and I’m loving saying yes to things I never would have before. I know this reality isn’t for me forever, I’ll be very excited when the time comes to return to work, but for now this little diversion is the best thing to happen to me in a long time.

Soon to be landing in Dallas, then on to Puerto Rico for a week of swimming, sunning, snorkeling, and of course, snacking.

Stay tuned for lots of delicious PR inspired recipes and meal ideas…and until then, thanks for reading!


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